Microsoft Partner

We are all familiar with the different seals, hallmarks, approvals, badges, and emblems out there, but how do you know if they are any good and what they stand for?

This is where it helps to be a recognized, industry-leading brand. Nearly everyone uses Microsoft software in one way or the other, not because their sales team forced it upon them; it’s because everyone knows the products work and get continually improved. We have been working with Microsoft products and technology for over 20 years because of this. We have always used the latest Microsoft technology to create the best solutions for our clients like Rabobank, ING, and ABN-AMRO.


Being a Microsoft Certified partner means we as a company agree to collaborate and work together closely with Microsoft and in doing so we uphold the highest standards of Microsoft’s widely-recognized partnership program. Being a Microsoft Certified partner is not something you become by just paying a fee, your workforce has to be certified before becoming eligible for a partnership.

As a Certified Partner, we are entitled to many benefits, like having access to various Microsoft tools, utilities, and other software, which fits in perfectly with our ‘toolbox thinking’ philosophy. Our partnership with Microsoft ensures short lines with tech support, which results in help when you need it. If your company uses Microsoft technology in its core business, you want experts who become acquainted with your business and deliver innovative, proven solutions to align with your long-term strategic goals and realize your full business potentials.

So, how does MM Guide help you realize these goals? Let’s take a look at a project we have done in the past. One of our customers is a scale-up, their company produces and buys data and needs a data ambition to reach their long-term strategic goals. In order to better serve their customers, they want to generate near real-time dashboards to provide actionable insight. This means they had to convert their on-demand hand-built reports to something more automated.


We created a web interface in which the data can be uploaded into a data warehouse. The data is continuously automatically processed and aggregated to be displayed as KPI’s in a dashboard. The users just need to log in to the web application to be able to base their decisions on these real-time insights. Not only is this solution much more time-efficient, but it also adds to the value of the service provided by giving insight into target KPIs. For this cloud application, we opted to use several Azure products like Azure SQL, Azure App Services, and Azure PowerBI to create an innovative solution to help reach one of their long-term strategic goals.

Does this resonate with you, and do you feel like we can help you? Feel free to contact us!

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