Concrete solutions for crucial processes

    Tailor-made solutions


    Smart tools with high impact


    Improved efficiency, increased productivity

We are MM Guide

Specialists in custom development of high-quality data and software solutions. We are active in the middle and higher segments of the market, but succeed in realizing tailor-made solutions for every budget. 

We believe in a scalable approach, targeting one challenge at a time.



Middleware | Data distribution | Scheduling software


FiDi allowed Rabobank to migrate to a modern file management system in a smooth and precise manner while keeping the required compliance.


Platform | Procurement software | API integration


ProcureIT unlocks efficiency, accuracy, and growth potential for HotelSpec by automating its procurement processes.


Web portal | E-learning platform | Planning software


Omniscius gathers all processes in a single portal: course and client administration, certificates, e-learning, scheduling and much more.


Web application | Data management | Cloud


RDMS (Real-time data management system) is designed to revolutionize internal data management.


Learning Platform

We developed Omniscius for CIBOT and IRP. It is a comprehensive platform designed for a wide range of training-related tasks: course management, customer administration, certificates, e-learning, and planning tool for both instructors and students.​

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